Thursday, 23 February 2017

Research Internship in Japan for Students

Research Internship
In addition to the OIST Doctoral Program, seminars, and workshops, the OIST Graduate School offers education and research opportunities through a system of undergraduate and graduate placements as Research Interns. These short-term placements as a Research Intern give talented students the opportunity to gain experience in a particular laboratory or to learn a specific technique.  They work under the direction of a Professor at OIST and contribute to the research activities of OIST.

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Places for Research Interns are awarded four times a year on a competitive basis, with application typically six months in advance.  Those eligible to apply include students enrolled at graduate or undergraduate programs in universities, colleges, junior colleges, and vocational schools in Japan or overseas, or recent graduates of such institutions.  Currently enrolled students must have approval from their home institution.

The tenure of Research Intern placements is between 2 and 6 months, typically 10 to 12 weeks.   Tenure will not normally be extended.  Interns may not take extended leave during their time at OIST, and are expected to work full time on their project.

Research Intern Allowances
OIST expects that Research Interns are independently funded but provides a small living allowance, commuting support (where necessary), and accommodation either on campus or nearby.   Successful applicants will receive a Living Allowance of 2,400 JPY per day whilst at OIST.
Application Deadlines 

Travel Expenses
OIST will pay for one direct round trip travel for Research Interns between the home university or institution and the research unit or other facility where the internship will take place (usually Okinawa).  The travel dates must be as close as possible to the term of the placement.
For More Information Click Below

Click here The Student Support Section of the Graduate School will provide support for Research Interns at OIST with matters such as housing, visa acquisition, insurance procedures, and local registration.  OIST regrets that support for dependents, family members, and person other than the student is not available.
Admission Procedure
Research Intern places are awarded four times a year on a competitive basis. Deadlines for application are listed in the table below.  Selection is competitive, and depends on suitability of the intended research, a student's academic background, and available funding and space.  Professors accepting students under these programs will review the student’s qualifications, research capabilities, and academic training in a comprehensive manner.  Research units that can provide research intern positions in any year, and some information on the type of projects available, are described HERE. Not all units are available due to availability of research space or supervision at different times.
Application Form
Click HERE for the on-line application form. We suggest you first DOWNLOAD this handy worksheet to guide your preparation of the application, as you must enter all details in the application form at once and cannot resubmit an application.  Use THIS SHEET for the CV, and use THIS SHEET for the personal statement of interest.  A letter of reference from an academic or research professional familiar with your work is helpful; the application system will ask them directly.  Please arrange for the consent of that person before submitting their details in the form.