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Figure 1 illustrates
a capacitor. It consists of two insulated conductors a and b.They carry equal
and opposite charges +q and -q ,respectively. All lines of force that originate
on a terminate on b.The capacitor is characterized by the following parameters:
q, the magnitude of the charge on each conductor
V, the potential difference between the
The parameters q and
Vare proportional to each other in a capacitor, or q = CV,where
C is the constant of
proportionality. It is called the capacitance of the capacitor. The capacitance
depends on the following parameters:
Shape of the conductors
Relative position of the conductors
Medium that separates the conductors
The unit of capacitance is the coulomb/volt (C/V) or farad (F). Thus
1 F = 1 C/V
but since,
dq\dt = i
This means that the current
in a capacitor is proportional to the rate of change of the voltage
with time.
Figure: Two insulated conductors, totally isolated from their surroundings
and carrying equal and opposite charges, form a capacitor.
In industry, the following
submultiples of farad are used:
Microfarad (1 microfarad = 10-6
Picofarad (1 picofarad = 10-12 F)
Capacitors are very useful
electric devices. They are used in the following applications:
To store energy in an electric field. The energy is stored between the
conductors, which are normally called plates. The electric energy stored in the
capacitor is given by:
UE = q2/2C
To reduce voltage fluctuations in electronic power supplies
To transmit pulsed signals
To generate or detect
electromagnetic oscillations at radio frequencies
To provide electronic time delays
Figure 1.2 illustrates a parallel
plate capacitor in which the conductors are two parallel
plates of area A separated by a distance d. If each plate is
connected momentarily to the terminals of the battery, a charge +q will appear
on one plate and a charge -q on the other.
If d is relatively small, the electric field E between the
plates will be uniform. The capacitance of a capacitor increases when a
dielectric (insulation) is placed between
the plates. The dielectric constant k of a material is the ratio of the
capacitance with
Figure: A parallel-plate capacitor with conductors (plates) of area A.
TABLE 1: Properties of Some Dielectrics*
Material Dielectric Dielectric
constant strength(KV/mm)
dielectric to that without dielectric. Table 1
illustrates the dielectric constant and dielectric strength of various
The high dielectric strength of vacuum (∞, infinity) should be noted. It
indicates that if
two plates are separated by vacuum, the voltage difference between them can
reach infinity without having flash over (arcing) between the plates. This
important characteristic of vacuum has led to the development of vacuum circuit
breakers, which have proved to have excellent performance in modern industry.
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